Project Name: Zadia Daily(

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Project description

A web app for my precious daughter Zadia to Log her sleeping duration, eating hours. With this app you can:
- Log sleeping start time and end time, it will show the duration time automatically 
-Log eating start time, end time and amount, it will display the summary
-By day, it will display the summary of sleeping and eating.

Project steps

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Step1:Create Models

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Step description:

Create models for eating and sleeping. The hard part is to calculate the duration based on start_time and end_time fields.The way I calculate is:
- I convert the time object to datetime object by datetime.combine(), because the datetime is subtractable.
- Once i can perform the subtract operation, I just need to subtract the start_tome from end_time
- The same for both eating and sleeping

Step2:Create Views

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Step description:

I had several key views for the backend.
-Sleep/eat log: To get the input from the users for the database fields, it is a standard Request.POST method
-Daily summary: This is where I get the input data from the database and display them as a summary. I want to perform sum() functions to all duration so that I can get the total hours of sleeping and eating every day as a summary.
-Login/Logout: Django built on authentication login/logout class 

Step3:Create template

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Step description:

Created the templates for login/logout, eating input, sleeping input and summary. 
- The summary one is a bit complicated, others are quite straightforward.

Step4:Host to AWS EC2

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Step description:

- I have done this several times, so I become quite familiar for the processes. Specifically:
- Once git clone my repo from github, create virtual env and install all dependencies from requirement.txt files.
- Create gunicorn socket( to connect gunicorn with nginx), and gunicorn service file( to connect django application with nginx).
-Set up nginx configuration. 
- Some details can be found here.